🖤 Christmas Spirit's at an all time Low 🎅

🖤 Christmas Spirit's at an all time Low 🎅

It's the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" for some, others are just gettin' by.   

And, really, that's an okay thing to be feelin'.   We're in the bleakest, darkest months of the year - and there's so much pain going on in the world around us.  
I think a lot about George Bailey from "It's a Wonderful Life" every Christmas.  His is a story of a man so discouraged and down on his luck, that he sets out to do the unthinkable...
And, that's when he meets Clumsy Clarence, his "Guardian" Angel. 😜  
I think we can all relate to George and Clarence and how, despite their best efforts, they'd not yet "arrived" at some arbitrary goal when they met.  For George it was financial security for his family, and an ability to continue providing his banking and loan services for the Community he loves.  For Clarence, it was "getting his wings", so he wouldn't be an "Angel Second Class" any more.  
In their plights, they remind us of the importance of asking for help. 

Sometimes you can't just do it all on your own.  Sometimes you need a little help from the other side.   

If this resonates with you, let me give you an oh-so-gentle nudge (or an elbow to the ribs if that's what it takes), to do just that:  ASK FOR WHAT YOU NEED.
There's an entire team Spirit Side just WAITING to come in and help you.  And, I'm willin' to bet there's several earth angels on deck, as well.  And if you don't KNOW what you need, then ask that, too.  Sometimes it's as simple as sayin', "Holy Spirit, Speak on my behalf.  I don't have the words."  
Trust and believe, your Creator knows you intimately.
It can feel kinda wobbly or awkward to ask for help, but I'm tellin' ya - that's when the magic happens.  It's when we stop tryin' to be so damn independent - and we recognize that we can't do it all on our own, that the miracles rush in.
You know why Angels get their wings, don't ya?  It's not the bells...that's just an after-effect.  It's because they get to HELP someone, like Clarence did for George.  
So, you've got one of two things to do today:
1. Ask for help from God and your Spirit Team, or from those closest to you.
2. Ask how you can be of service to someone else.

That's the Christmas Spirit my friends. 

The Christ Consciousness. 


And, Lord knows : this world needs it now more than ever.  

How can you invite more light, more love, more connection into your world today?   

Light a candle, call that friend, write a letter of appreciation.  These things don't have to cost money, you know. Your time, your energy, your attention is the MOST PRECIOUS gift of all.  You never know how that one spark of light from you, could ignite a ripple through the whole galaxy. 

Sending you all my love this Holiday Season,
Photo Credit: Melissa Payne Photography
Here's a link to a video I shared last night about how God / The Holy Spirit speaks to us in our darkest moments of despair.  

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👋 So Long Summer 🍁 The Start of Fall! 🍂

👋 So Long Summer 🍁 The Start of Fall! 🍂



A Christmas Miracle

A Christmas Miracle